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Japanese Vocabulary

Japanese Vocabulary List

Vocabulary List

Romanji Order

Romanji Phonetic English
Age Uke (ahh-geh oo-keh) Rising Block
Age Zuki (ahh-geh zoo-keh) Rising Punch
Agura (aah-goo-rah) Informal Sitting with legs crossed
Ai Uchi (aa oo-chee) Simultaneous Score
Akido (aah-key-doe) Japanese self-defense arts
Arigato (air-ee-ga-toe) Thank you
Arigato Gozai Mashita (air-ee-ga-toe go-zie mash-ita) Thank you very much
Ashi (ah-she) Foot or Leg
Ashi-Barai (ah-she bah-rye) Foot or Leg sweep
Atama (aah-tah-ma) Head
Atama-uchi (aah-tah-ma oo-chee) Head butt/strike with head
Ate (aah-tay) Smash
Awase Zuki (aah-wah-say zoo-key) U-Punch
Barai (bah-rye) Parry or Block
Bo (bo) Wooden Staff
Bodhidharma (bow-dee-harma) Indian monk who introduced Zen Buddhism into China in the sixth centery
Bu (boo) Military or martial
Budo (boo-doe) Martial Arts/Martial Way
Bunkai (bone-kai) Kata interpretation applications and technique
Bushido (boo-she-doe) Way of the Warrier
Choku-zuki (cho-koo zoo-key) straight punch
Chudan (chew-don) Middle area of body
Chudan-Choku-Zuki (choo-don cho-koo zoo-key) straight punch to body
Chudan-Mae-Geri (chew-don mah-eh geh-rhee) front kick to body
Chudan Uke (chew-don oo-key) Center Block/Upper Body Block
Chudan zuki (chew-don zoo-key) middle area block
Chude Uchi Uke (chew-day oo-chee oo-key) Inside outward forearm block
Chusoku (chew-so-koo) Ball of foot
Dachi (dah-chee) Stance
Dan (don) Degree of Black Belt
Dan Zuki (don zoo-key) consecutive punching
Do (doe) The Way
Dojo (doe-joe) Training hall or School
Domo Arigato (doh-moh ah-ree-gah-toe) Thank you very much (present)
Empi (em-pee) Elbow
Empi Uchi (em-pee oo-chee) Elbow strike
Enpi (en-pee) Elbow Attacks
Fudo Dachi (foo-dough dah-chee) Fighting or Rooted stance (1/2 front, 1/2 side)
Fumikomi Geri (foo-me-koh-me geh-rhee) Stomp kick
Furi Zuki (foo-ree zoo-key) Circular Punch
Gedan (geh-don) Lower area of body
Gai-wan (gah-ee wahn) Outer Arm
Gedan Barai (geh-don baa-rye) Downwards sweeping block; side
Gedan Choku Zuki> (geh-don cho-koo zoo-key) straight punch to lower area
Gedan Kekomi (geh-don kay-koh-me) Thrust kick to low level
Gedan Uke (geh-don oo-keh) Downwards block; front
Gedan Zuki/Gedan Tsuki (geh-don zoo-keh/geh-don tsue-keh) Punch to Low Area
Geri (geh-rhee) Kick
Gi (gee) Uniform
Go (go) The number 5
Gokurosan (go-koh-roh-san) Thank you for doing what was expected of you
Gokurosahma (go-koh-roh-sam-mah) Thank you for doing what was expected of you (with respect)
Gozai mashita (go-zye-mah-she-tah) Thank you very much (past)
Gyaku (ge-yah-koo) Reverse
Gyaku Mikazuki Geri (ge-yah-koo me-kah-zoo-key geh-rhee) Reverse cresent kick
Gyaku Zuki (ge-yah-koo zoo-key) Reverse punch
Hachi (ha-chee) The number 8
Hachiji Dachi (ha-chee-jee dah-chee) Open leg stance
Hai (hi) Yes
Haishu-uchi (hi-shoo oo-chee) Back Hand Strike
Haisoku (hi-so-koo) Instep (top) of foot
Haito (hi-toe) Ridge hand
Haito oo-chee (hi-toe) Ridge hand strike
Hajime (haa gee-may) Start or continue
Han Zenkutsu Dachi (hahn-zen-koo-tsue dah-chee) Half Forward Stance
Hata (haa-ta) Flag
Heiko Dachi (hay-coe dah-chee) Ready stance/parallel stance
Heisoku Dachi (hay-sow-koo dah-chee) Closed stance/informal attention stance
Heiwan Uchi (hi-wahn oo-chee) Forearm Strike
Hidari (he-dah-rhee) Left
Hiji Ate (he-gee ah-teh) Elbow strike
Hiji uchi (he-jee oo-chee) Elbow strike
Hiraken (Hirate) (he-rock-in) Flat fist/4 knuckle strike
Hiragana (he-ra-gana) Sound of Japanese characters
Hiza (he-sah) Knee
Hiza Geri (he-sah geh-rhee) Knee Kick
Hiza Uchi (he-sah oo-chee) Knee Strike
Hizagashira (he-zah-gah-shee-rah) Knee cap
Hoit (hoyt) Attention
Ichi (ee-chee) The number 1
Ippon (ip-pon) One point
Ippon Nukite (ip-pon new-key-tay) One finger spear hand
Ippon Uraken (ip-pon oo-rock-in) One knuckle inverted hand
Jodan (joe-don) Upper part of body
Jodan Uke (joe-don oo-keh) Upper block
Ju (jew) The number 10
Juji Uke (jew-gee oo-keh) X block
Kagi Geri (ka-ge geh-rhee) Hook kick
Kai (kai) Association
Kakato (kaka toe) Heel of foot
Kakato Geri (kahkah-toe geh-rhee) Heel kick (axe, stomp, etc.)
Kake Dachi (ka-kay dah-chee) T stance (hooked stance)
Kake Shuto Uke (ka-kay shoo-toe oo-key) Hooking Knife Hand Block
Kake Uke (ka-key oo-kay) Hooking Block
Kakewake Uke (ka-kay-wah-kay oo-key) reverse wedge Block
Kan (con) Type of school
Kanji (kan-gee) Chinese characters having both sound and meaning
Karate (kara-tay) Empty hand (combat)
Karate-Do (kara-tay doe) The way of Karate
Kata (kah-tah) Forms
Katakana (kah-tah-kana) Characters for non-Japanese words, sound only
Keage (key-ah-ge) Snap
Keage Geri (key-ah-ge geh-rhee) Snap kick
Keito Uke (kay-toe oo-key) Chicken-head wrist block
Kentsiu (kent-soo-we) Hammer fist
Ki (key) Inner strength
Kiai (key-eye) Yell (energy to unite)
Kiba Dachi (key-bah dah-chee) Horse Stance
Kime (key-may) Focus/Timing
Ko Tai (coe tie) Turn around
Ko Uke (coe oo-key) Wrist block/arch block
Kobudo (ko-bu-dough) Study of Weapons
Koken (ko-ken) Wrist
Kokomi (coe-coe-me) Thrust
Kokomi Geri (coe-coe-me geh-rhee) Thrust kick
Kokutsu Dachi (koe-koo-tsu dah-chee) Back leaning stance
Koshi (koe-she) Ball of foot
Ku (koo) The number 9
Kumite (koo-me-teh) Sparring
Kusarigama (koo-sar-ee-ga-ma) Stick and kama attached by chain
Kyu (q) Student rank
Mae (my) Forward/Front
Mae Geri (my geh-rhee) Front Kick
Makiwara (mah-key-wara) Punching Board
Ma Te (mah-tay) Wait
Mawashi (mah-wha-she geh-rhee) Roundhouse
Mawashi Geri (mah-wha=she geh-rhee) Roundhouse Kick
Migi (me-ghee) Right
Mikazuki Geri (me-kah-zee-key geh-rhee) Cresent Kick
Morote Uke (moh-row-teh oo-kay) Double Block
Morote Zuki (moh-row-teh zoo-key) Double Punch
Moku So (muke soo) Meditate
Musubi Dachi (moo-sue-bee dah-chee) Open Stance
Naha-Te (no-ha tay) Okinawan Karate School
Nekoashi Dachi (neh-keh-ahh-she dah-chee) Cat Stance
Ni (knee) The number 2
Nihon Nukite (knee-hone new-key-tay) Two Finger Spear Hand
Nukite (new-key-tay) Spear Hand
Obi (oh-bee) Belt
Oi Zuki (oh-ee zoo-key) Lunge Punch
Rei (ray) Bow
Reken (ray-ken) Backfist
Rit Su Rei (rit sue ray) Standing Bow
Rokyu (roe q) The number 6
Romanji (row-ma-gee) Romanization of Kanji Characters
Ryu (rue) Way or System
San (sahn) The number 3
Seiken (say-ken) Fore fist
Seiza (say-za) Formal Kneeling Posture
Sem Pai (sem ie) Senior Student
Sensei (Sen-say) Teacher (born before)
Shi (she) The number 4
Shichi (sea-chee) The number 7
Shiko Dachi (she-koh dah-chee) Horse stance with feet outward (sumo stance)
shomen (show-men) Front of Room
Sho Men Ni (show-men-knee) Towards the Stage (Flag)
Shorin Ryu (shore-in Rue) Okinawan Karate System
Shorin-Te (shorein tay) Okinawan Karate School
Shotei (show-tie) Palm Heel
Shuto (shoe-toe) Knife Hand
Shuto Uchi (shoe-toe oo-chee) Knife Hand Strike
Shuto Uke (shoe-toe oo-keh) Knife Hand Block
Sokuto (so-koo-toe) Edge of Foot
Soto (so-toe) Outside
Soto Ude Uke (so-toe oo-day oo-keh) Outside Inward Forearm Block
Su Rie Wa (sue ray waa) Sit
Shuri-Te (sure-ee tay) Okinawan Karate School
Suah (soo-ah) Warrior's Yell
Tate (ta-teh) Stand Up, Standing
Tate Zuki (ta-teh zoo-key) Vertical Punch
Te (teh) Hand
Tegatana (tay-ga-tana) Two opposing fists at side
Teisoku (teh-s-koo) Arch (bottom) of Foot
Tettsui (tet-sue-ee) Hammer Fist
Tomari-Te (toe-ma-ri) Okinawan Karate School
Tsuruashi (sure-ah-she) Crane
Tsuruashi Dachi (sure-ah-she dah-chee) Crane Stance
Uchi (oo-chee) Strike
Uchi Ude Uke (oo-chee oo-day oo-keh Inside Outward Forearm Block
Ude (kote) (oo-day) Forearm
Uke (oo-keh) Block
Uraken (oo-rockin) Inverted Fist
Ushiro (oo-she-row) Back or Rear
Ushiro Geri (oo-she-row geh-rhee) Back Kick
Waza (wah-za) Technique
Waza Ari (wah-za are-ee) 1/2 point
Woshi (yosh) Continue
Yama Zuki (yah-mah zoo-key) Wide U Punch
Yohon Nukite (yo-hone new-key-tay) Four Finger Spear Hand
Yoi (yoy) Ready
Yoko (yoh-koh) Side
Yoko Empi-uchi (yoh-koh en-pee oo-chee) Side Elbow Strike
Yoko Geri (yoh-koh geh-rhee) Side Kick
Yoko Geri Keage (yoh-koh geh-rhee key-ah-geh) Side Snap Kick
Yoko Geri Kekomi (yoh-koh geh-rhee key-koh-me) Side Thrust Kick
Yoko Hiji-ate (yoh-koh he-gee ah-teh) Side Elbow Strike/thrust
Zazen (zah-zen) Meditation
Zenkutsu Dachi (zen-koo-tsue dah-chee) Forward Stance
Zuki zoo-key Punch
Grouped by Technique


Romanji Phonetic English
Yoi Dachi (yoo-ee dah-chee) Ready Stance (feet pointed outward, shoulder width)
Kiba Dachi (key-bah dah-chee) Horse Stance
Zenkutsu Dachi (zen-koo-tsue dah-chee Forward Stance
Musubi Dachi (moo-sue-bee dah-chee) Open Stance
Heisoku Dachi (hay-sow-koo dah-chee) Closed stance
Kokutsu Dachi (koe-koo-tsu dah-chee) Back leaning stance
Nekoashi Dachi (neh-keh-ahh-she dah-chee) Cat Stance
Fudo Dachi (foo-dough dah-chee) Fighting or Rooted stance (1/2 front, 1/2 side)
Tsuruashi Dachi (sure-ah-she dah-chee) Crane Stance
Kake Dachi (ka-key dah-chee) T stance (hooked stance)


Romanji Phonetic English
Jodan Uke (joe-don oo-keh) Upper block
Chudan Uke (chew-don oo-key) Center Block
Gedan Uke (geh-don oo-keh) Downwards block; front
Gedan Barai (geh-don baa-rye) Downwards sweeping block; side
Juji Uke (jew-gee oo-keh) X block
Shuto Uke (shoe-toe oo-keh) Knife Hand Block
Soto Ude Uke (so-toe oo-day oo-keh) Outside Inward Forearm Block
Uchi Ude Uke/
Chude Uchi Uke
(chew-day oo-chee oo-key) Inside Outward Forearm Block
Morote Uke (moh-row-teh oo-kay) Double Block
Age Uke (ahh-geh oo-keh) Rising Block


Romanji Phonetic English
Seiken (say-ken) Fore fist
Gyaku Zuki (ge-yah-koo zoo-key) Reverse punch
Tate Zuki (ta-teh zoo-key) Vertical Punch
Oi Zuki (oh-ee zoo-key) Lundge Punch
Yama Zuki (yah-mah zoo-key) Wide U Punch
Morote Zuki (moh-row-teh zoo-key) Double Punch
Uraken (oo-rockin) Inverted Fist


Romanji Phonetic English
Mae Geri (my geh-rhee) Front Kick
Yoko Geri (yoh-koh geh-rhee) Side Kick
Ushiro Geri (oo-she-row geh-rhee) Back Kick
Mawashi Geri (mah-wha=she geh-rhee) Roundhouse Kick
Hiza Geri (he-sah geh-rhee) Knee Kick
Mikazuki Geri (me-kah-zee-key geh-rhee) Cresent Kick
Keage Geri (key-ah-ge geh-rhee) Snap kick
Kokomi Geri (coe-coe-me geh-rhee) Thrust kick
Gyaku Mikazuki Geri (ge-yah-koo me-kah-zoo-key geh-rhee) Reverse cresent kick
Fumikomi Geri (foo-me-koh-me geh-rhee) Stomp kick
Kakato Geri (kaka toe geh-rhee) Heel kick (axe, stomp, etc.)


Romanji Phonetic English
Shuto Uchi (shoe-toe oo-chee) Knife Hand Strike
Reken (ray-ken) Backfist
Shotei (show-tie) Palm Heel
Empi Uchi (em-pee oo-chee) Elbow strike
Nukite (new-key-tay) Spear Hand
Tettsui (tet-sue-ee) Hammer Fist
Ippon Nukite (ip-pon new-key-tay) One finger spear hand
Nihon Nukite (knee-hone new-key-tay) Two Finger Spear Hand
Yohon Nukite (yo-hone new-key-tay) Four Finger Spear Hand
Haito (hi-toe) Ridge hand
Hiraken (Hirate) (he-rock-in) Flat fist/4 knuckle strike

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